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February 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Vice Chair Amy Everitt, Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle
Absent: Chair James Shea & Chris Burke
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Department of Parks & Recreation, Robert McCarthy (Ward 1 Councilor), Tom Devine, Jude David, Charles Sinclair, Kyle Leonard, Rosemary O’Conner, Julie Pottier-Brown, Marianna Massa, Patrick Foley, Aaron Hearns and Ashley Skomurski
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Vice Chair Everitt at 6:45pm.

Shea motions to approve the minutes and Callahan seconds.  Approved unanimously.


Tom Devine – Splaine Park Update

Conservation agent/planner – update.  Hired architect and developed new park design in 2012. In late 2012 contractor worked on community garden and dog park. Stopped work because of coal ash and high levels of lead in the park. Has to be remediated per DEP regulations.

The architects had alternatives and gave revised design. Changes lead to excavate and cap the materials with a new embankment in left field with no dog run. Not a major loss.  Challenge was that CVS had some issues regarding the boundaries. CVS owns more of the park land, less the embankment.  They’re looking to change surfacing and doing away with wood chips and plan to make it more durable. The idea is to have an impervious surface. They’re hoping to complete in the spring.

Callahan inquired about fence issues. Devine responded there were none.  Shea brought up the Little League fence and asked about money in the budget and Devine responded that they’re asking the City Council.  Little League is to pay.  Asking for an additional $3,000 and is waiting on the City Council A&F meeting.  She asked what the money problem was and Devine responded that they’re trying to contain the costs.  

Devine stated it was $358,000 for total costs and Shea expressed concern about saving the Little League money.  Devine commented that they were expecting to pay the entire amount and Callahan added that the Little League offered to pay $3,000 for the fence and in his opinion Divine should ask the City Council for $361,000 and save the Little League the $3,000.  

Devine added that this is about the aesthetics of the park and that involves the architect.

Partanen added that per the agreement, the Little League would pay for the resurfacing of Forest River Park.  

Shea asked about the final schedule and Devine replied that it was June 2014 and there is a push to get it done.

Callahan asked if they have the fence and Devine replied that they did.

Jude David – Seafood Festival

David commented that The Willows businesses support the festival. David commented that they have a plan for traffic and parking. David reached out to Matt Caruso with the Salem Jazz & Soul Festival for best practices.  David also spoke with Tammy Harrington at Salem Trolley and was informed that they had no issues with traffic.  The problems reported where mainly from non-residents parking in resident parking areas.  David suggested that there be multiple trolley stops and satellite parking locations with additional shuttles from the hotels.  David added that they have very good marketing strategy to get the information about the festival to the general public, including using various forms of advertising, and good signage and lawn signs for parking. Goal is to prevent people from parking at The Willows.

David added that they plan to follow a similar traffic pattern as the Jazz & Soul Festival with Salem Police details and appropriate locations and a plan to reimburse Park & Recreation for lost meter revenue.  The concern that this was an event that happens at the height of the season was addressed.  David commented that businesses didn’t seem to have any issues and that the activities are being scheduled at times where people wouldn’t necessarily have been there to use the park.

Callahan asked about the 8:45pm time for the fireworks being too early (sun not down yet) and David responded that she’d work on changing the time.

David then covered the use of barriers (natural) for vendors and to keep the area secure. The plan is to use ones that are pleasing and will serve the purpose.  David also met with other city officials to work out many of these details.

David went on to discuss what she said was the biggest part, the revenue sharing proposal.  She stated that marking expenses are huge as well as fireworks, police detail, etc.  David proposes 10% of admission to the event go to Park & Recreation, with a $2,000 guarantee, regardless of whether or not there’s a rainout.  David guestimates they’ll make $37,500, with $3,750 going to Park & Recreation.

Callahan asked about clean-up plans and Port-a-Potties and David responded that they will do everything and provide Port-a-Potties.

Shea asked McCarthy his thoughts on the festival and responded that David has done her homework and seems to have addressed all the concerns.  McCarthy also commented that this is the first time the park will be sectioned off. He leaves the rest up to the Commission to work with David to make it a good event.

Shea motions to approve the request and Callahan seconds with the proviso that the details get worked out with Partanen.  Passes unanimously.

Rock, Paddle & Surf – Absent

Charles Sinclair – Golf Tournaments

Sinclair commented that this is a state fundraiser held every 2-3 years.  This year the fundraiser is for youth awareness.  In 2016, they’re hosting a Youth Awareness Convention in Boston.  Sinclair is asking for greens fees to be waived.

Partanen commented that Brian (Governor of the Moose) talked to her in the past and they usually host once a year.  Sinclair responded that this event is being hosted by the regional group and Brian requested that both be honored.

Callahan stated that his opinion on the latter is that they can’t agree to waive greens fees for one but not the other and that last year they established that greens fees can’t be waived.  Shea stated that he’s got no problem waiving the fees and suggested a vote.  Callahan added that if they waive for one or charge for one, they need to do the same for the other.  Shea replied that one of the tournaments should be waived.  Paul Foley (with the Moose) commented that it’s ok with him if they split it with Sinclair.  

Callahan asked if they can waive the green fees and pay for carts and motions they grant permission with coordination with golf manager to waive greens fees and pay for the carts.  Shea seconds and the motion passes unanimously.

Kyle Leonard – Forest River Park

Leonard, a student at Salem State, is proposing to use Forest River Park from 11am-5pm for a “Preemie Plunge”, a fundraiser for Children’s Hospital in Boston.  Leonard added that this has been approved by the appropriate departments at Salem State and they have liability insurance and waivers in addition to police details and EMS for the event.  Callahan suggested that Leonard check the tide schedules and Leonard responded that he would.  McCarthy suggests they speak with the Harbormaster for additional support.  Shea added that no alcohol is allowed and Leonard confirmed that he’s aware.

Shea motioned to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Rosemary O’Connor – Mack Park

O’Connor wants to name the flag pole at Mack Park in honor of veteran Spuds Foley.  Plans to have an honor guard ceremony on June 14th.  

Callahan commented that this was a great idea, but will vote to table this because he thinks there is something different/better to do to honor Mr. Foley.  Callahan feels this is a great tribute and wants to do it the right way, but they need to discuss what that is.
O’Connor responded that she wanted to do it soon as Pat (Foley’s wife) is getting on in years. Callahan wants to get input from the City to make sure it’s done right.  Everitt added that they should be a group to meet with Mack Park & the family.  O’Connor responded that they can meet with the folks at the Moose.  Callahan said he would be glad to sit on the committee to help make this happen.  Partanen added that she will be in contact with O’ Connor to follow up.

Julie Pottier-Brown – Farm Direct Coop

Pottier-Brown commented that this is the 15th year the Coop has been in operation and they’re very happy with how things are working and wish to continue. They only thing they need to work on is the overflow parking.  Callahan asked what days they were there and Pottier-Brown responded they were there on Tuesdays and Thursdays and that the parking signs are being ignored which is causing problems.  Callahan responded that the Commission can have “No Parking/Tow Zone” signs put up.

Shea motioned to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Charlotte Puleo – Alimenti-Bridgewell-Camp Naumkeg – Absent

Melissa Wilson – Parents United – Absent

Marianna Massa – Save a Sato – The Willows

Massa commented that this is the 14th year the street dog adopters from the Salem/Lynn/North Shore are have gotten together.  Massa wants to use the band shell.  The time is 11am-3pm on May 24th.

Callahan asked if they ever considered using the Leslie Retreat Dog Park and Massa responded that she hadn’t.  Shea asked about electricity and Partanen said she’d check on that.  Callahan suggested she look at Leslie’s Retreat and if it works, ask for that. Callahan added that there’s parking on Commercial Street and if she wants it, she should talk to Partanen. The idea, Callahan stated, is that it gives more options for dates as well, and if the location changes, Massa just needs to amend the application.

Patrick Foley – Golf Tournament

Resolved during Charles Sinclair discussion.  Foley will work with the golf manager.  Fees will be waived and they will pay for the carts.

Aaron Hearns & Ashley Skomurski – Coast to Coast Paddle

Hearns spoke with Captain McCue who referred him to Partanen & Forest River, Dead Horse Beach and Winter Island because there’s more of a drop off/take off. Hearns commented that Forest River is shallow and not always ideal.

Hearns is asking for permission to launch at all three locations above as weather conditions dictate.  Partanen asked if there would be locations on site and Hearns responded that no, but they would have a retail store on Pickering Wharf and that they also talked with the Salem Maritime as a possible location for launching.

Shea asked about logistics and timing and hears responded that they were doing rentals which would depend on conditions and what customers want. There would be no storage.  Callahan commented that customers will need to be aware of parking fees at Winter Island and Forest River.  Partanen commented that she needs to check with Winter Island manager about it.  Callahan asked about using the Danvers River and Hearns responded that he welcomes suggestions.  Hearns also added that he likes Dead Horse Beach and its access to the Salem Harbor and Beverly.  Partanen asked about state boat launch fees and Callahan commented that those fees don’t apply if the ramp’s not being used.  Shea asked about other company’s fees and Partanen replied that we get a percentage of the fees and understands where he’s coming from.   Shea asked about liability insurance and Hearns stated that he’ll have it. Callahan expressed concern that Winter Island is getting overcrowded in the summer and that the Willows Beach pier is underutilized and be a good idea.  Callahan suggested they continue the discussion with Partanen and look at the coastline, Collins Cove, etc. and get back to the Commission at the next meeting with a firmer plan.

Tabled until next meeting.

Superintendent’s Report

Revenue Report

Partanen commented that everything’s going well and they’re building up the revolving account.  She’s asking for more money for the golf course and using Winter Island store account to improve conditions there.

Callahan moves to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.

CPA Review

Partanen stated that the Winter Island trail has been accepted that the Community Gardens has been ok’d (as a project of Harvard Law School).

Proposed Organization Chart

Partanen discussed the proposed organizational chart and the different roles/responsibilities for the various staff.

  • Wooley would be responsible for community groups/gardens/special projects.
  • Duffey would be responsible for camps/youth groups/athletics
Callahan suggests title changes.  Partanen’s position would be changed to Director of Community Services.

Everitt asked if Partanen talked with the Human Resources director about this and Partanen responded that it has to be done with an ordinance change. She added that and comments/suggestions should be given to Partanen.

Callahan suggested that the Superintendent be on both boards. Partanen agreed, but she wouldn’t be going to both meetings (of Park & Recreation and Council on Aging)

Parks & Facility

Park Ambassador Program
Partanen commented that these ambassadors would be responsible for parks.

Callahan asked if Partanen heard back from the YMCA.

Motion to adjourn by Callahan, seconded by Shea. Passes unanimously.

Adjournment at 8:18pm

Next Meeting March 18, 2014